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Another rebel meeting at 3.30, was: Re: My impressions of the Sundaymeetings....

Hi everyone,

We're going to have another "rebel" meeting this afternoon at 3.30.
We'll meet in front of the consulate room, as we're still waiting to see
if we can officially book a room or we have to be creative again.

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:

> Second, almost everyone agreed that the final solution will need to be
> or involve a new routing paradigm in one way or the other.

Yes. However, I'm also getting a sense that most people agree we can't
wait this long. Christian took some steps down an incremental steps path
towards multi-address multihoming, and there are also more than enough
ideas for low-ambition routing solutions to take the edge off.

Another interesting development is that the v6ops wg just reached
consensus that it should work on non-routable/for-local-use-only address
provider independent address space that should be used as a replacement
for site local addresses for most uses. And immediately people started
yelling this address space should be routable after all.

> This said, what I felt was that there was no clear views (sometimes not
> even from the authors) what role the solutions currently being
> discussed would fill in going forward. Either in relation to a new
> routing solution or to what solution space they addressed. I said in
> the small group that met at 14.00 that what I felt was missing was an
> overview of the pieces both in the solution space as well as in
> defining what the problem space is. Thomas Narten put this even better
> in the evening session when he said that we where missing a road-map. I
> agree with this, but I am willing to go a bit further. After listening
> to some of the discussions and reading the proposals, I am not so sure
> the current requirements draft will be a good starting point.

So lets discuss this in the meeting this afternoon. As I'm out of
contact with the other "rebels" I'm not going to suggest a full agenda
right now, but this should definately be on it.

[Lots removed]

> One way going forward that I prefer is to ask IANA delegate a
> _temporary_ PI space prefix - with the _clear notion that this address
> space will be called back_. This space would be allocated as "RIR
> ALLOCATED PA" in RIPE terminology. This would give us a jump-start and
> let some enterprises start out with trying multihoming, and IPv6 in
> general. It will also give us more operational experience and perhaps
> give us answers to some of my questions above. The additional prefixes
> created is something we can handle (with the current ~250 non-6bone
> prefixes I would say the problem is rather on the contrary), and with
> clear guidelines on when and how the addresses will be called back this
> should not be to hard to accept by the enterprises.

There are more ways to skin this cat. Now I haven't been a great fan of
what's happening with the requirements in this wg, but for this specific
purpose it might be useful to draw up some requirements.
