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Re: My impressions of the Sunday meetings....

On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 12:16:43PM -0500, J. Noel Chiappa wrote:
> Some mailing list I'm on recently had a message about how truly painful it's
> getting to do anything that requires changing the installed base. (Not that
> that seems to trouble commercial Web sites, who seem to be continually
> adding dubious "features" that require the latest and greatest browser, but
> I digress...)

Which is why the recent discussions have been focused on using existing
components (cf. Christian's draft) and hand-waving for any extras that
may be desirable (e.g. a new ICMP message type).
> So sometimes it really does help to have some idea of what the long-term
> path is going to be, to make sure that your short-term quick hacks aren't
> going to get in the way of the long-term solution.

I view multi6 rather like v6 transition.  If tools can be deployed by
those wanting to benefit, without affecting requirements on othes, we have
a path we can take now.  If a better solution for that target audience 
comes along, we can take that path then.

This has been one focus of the Atlanta meetings.

I'm trying to summarise recent discussions in Atlanta and on the lists; I'll
try to get a snapshot out soon.
