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RE: Consensus check

Hi, Marcelo,

Wouldn?t this be the case of exchange based multi-homing solution? (as
described in RFC 2374)
Yes, I think we could obtain a PA allocation as an LIR from ARIN. I have to admit I have philosophical objections to using our own address block--it does nothing to minimize the size of the DFZ routing table. Is it better to adopt the expedient solution now (using our own address block) rather than wait for the "correct" solution later (sane routing and address selection with multiple PA addresses on each interface)? I would appreciate discussion either way--if the community starts down this path it will be difficult to change. But a working solution is needed sooner rather than later.


| Michael H. Lambert, Network Engineer Phone: +1 412 268-4960 |
| Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center FAX: +1 412 268-8200 |
| 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 lambert@psc.edu |