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Re: Router solutions

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Joe Abley wrote:

> > I think it would be a good starting point for the WG item describing
> > how multihoming is done today (but isn't there such a document
> > already?).

> I made a first cut as such a document by ripping relevant text out of
> the -01 requirements draft, but it was really rough and needs lots of
> work.


> I would be very happy to lend time to making that document useful, if
> there is interest in doing so (and in contributing opinions and text to
> it). I'm not sufficiently naive to think that consensus on such a
> document would be a trivial thing to achieve, but I suspect it might be
> easier to obtain than consensus on the requirements draft :)

I would be very happy to receive comments on the text I posted and make
changes where necessary.

If you want to include my text in something new, go ahead. Or if you
have text to add to mine, send it in and I'll include it if doing so
makes sense.