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RE: Next question...

On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Tony Li wrote:

> What I should have written was:

> 2) Put the locators in the border router.  This frees the host
>    of the management burden, but makes it somewhat harder for the
>    host administrator to implement host specific policies without
>    the assistance of the administrator of the border router.  Host
>    specific policies can still be implemented, they just need to
>    be managed by the border router.  The number of unique host
>    policies can be a scalability issue for the border router.

I would still like some hint from the host to the border router that the
current connection isn't working.

If a host needs specific policies, would it be possible to "move the
border" for that host to that host? Then the real border routers only
have to pass the traffic without touching it and the host is in full
control, the border routers only get to say yes or no, which should be
enough to keep rogue sysadmins in check.
