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RE: draft-kurtis-multihoming-longprefix comments

    > From: Iljitsch van Beijnum <iljitsch@muada.com>

    >> The current routing technology does NOT scale properly. There is not
    >> going to be any intermeidate approach based on the current technology
    >> that will scale.

    > With a reasonable level of aggregation current technology will scale
    > just fine.

I think Tony's talking about routing protocols, not hardware.

In any case, I too will disagree with Tony, and say that no possible routing
technology can scale as well as some people would like it to. :-)

    > Today, if routers are owned by the same owner, they hold the same
    > routing information. Maybe it's time we try aggregating based on
    > something else than router ownership.

Reading this, I literally had to cringe and hold my head in my hands.

The *only* way to aggregate *which is useful to the routing* is based on
*actual connectivity* - i.e. the actual ability send packets. Ownership of box
X and box Y is basically irrelevent (although policty routing may use it for
*additional* constraints), from the routing's point of view. If box X and box
Y are connected by a wire - now, that's different.
