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Re: comments on draft-py-multi6-gapi-00.txt

You can also argue that address consumption will most likely NOT follow
geographic boundaries. If I take Stockholm, Ericsson for example have
their HQ in a relatively unpopulated area. Also the "swedish silicon
valley" have a high number of multinationals that will want to
mulithome, but relatively small population.
I'm sure address consumption won't follow the population spread.
However, there is only one other objective way of pre-allocating address
space: on geography. This both wastes a lot of address space and fails
to provide enough of it. In the end, it all comes down to people: they
own/operate equipment that needs to be connected over multiple lines.
I'm sure many more people own or run a multihomed network in the
Swedish silicon valley than in a rural province of China, but the gain
you get from allocating less for China is much smaller than the hassle
of having to manually look at it and justify your decision.
The problem is how you make sure you get enough addresses where they are needed, without having to reallocate space.

- kurtis -