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[doing some aggregation]

RJ Atkinson:
> Perhaps providing a reasonably strong binding between the identifiers
> and locators in some initial packet(s), and having subsequent packets
> only contain the locators (at least until a locator changes) might be the
> right model.

That might well be reasonable. One would want to see the details before
drawing a firm conclusion, of course.

In my book, "reasonably strong binding" means some form of cryptographic
I'm imagining a situation (see my "transportzilla" posts from a while back for more details) where the application uses an identifier which doesn't have to be an address, and TCP and UDP use this identifier in the pseudo-header. IP only uses the locators. So there must be a mapping between the locators and the identifiers between IP and TCP. As long as each combination of { any source locator, source port, any destination locator, destination port } is unique on both ends, there shouldn't be any trouble finding the right source and destination identifiers on the destination host. Of course there is the minor detail of setting up all this state...

This should bind the identifiers to the locators strong enough without any per-packet overhead as long as the setup phase is well-secured. Of course there are still the traditional TCP weaknesses but the billions of packets flowing around the net every second tell us most people can live with this most of the time and there's always TLS and IPsec.

J. Noel Chiappa:
One way to "include" the identifier in each packet implicitly (i.e. make
sure the packets get to the right endpoint) is to include the endpoint
identifier in the transport "pseudo-header", so that you get a checksum
failure if the packet gets to the wrong endpoint.
Yes. But: packets shouldn't end up at the wrong session anyway unless something is seriously broken and this provides no protection at all against someone who can intercept the communication as the TCP checksum is hardly a one-way hash.

I hypothesized an small, short, endpoint identifier with scope local to the
destination (I called it an ESEL, for "endpoint selector") to disambiguate
when you have multiple endpoints at a single locator.
Wouldn't this be similar to a port number (for outgoing connections) or an IPsec SPI?

I would suggest that 16+16 be done not with a complete second IPv6 header,
but rather one of the routing headers (I forget the formal name). That would
make it somewhat smaller.
Which identifier do you need? The source or destination? The trouble is the 8 byte alignment in IPv6: this is enormously inconvenient when you need to add something that is also 8 byte aligned because you then need 8 bytes just to say there is an extra header. (Lets remember this for IPv7: no 2^x sized addresses!) This means a second IPv6 header is the shortest way to add both a source and a destination identifier. So then we're tunneling.

Anyway, why does header size matter that much? Those on slow links (< 56K)
will be using header compression anyway, so it doesn't really matter for them
since the average packet will have all that stuff compressed out anyway, and
for those on fast links, who cares about a few extra bytes?
Short answer: someone should! If we're going to do 2 IPv6 headers the additional 60 bytes per packet aren't going to persuade anyone to switch. The average IP packet size is around 500 bytes, so that's 10% of your bandwidth you're throwing away by switching. Header compression is great, but it doesn't solve everything. For instance, my iBook has RFC1323 extensions enabled by default. This makes the TCP header 12 bytes longer (yeay!) but also unpredictable.

Also, all these headers at every layer add up. 11 Mbps wireless? Don't make me laugh: you're lucky if more than half is usable payload.

If we can accomplish the same functionality without the extra headers, we should do it without.

Check out the average web page to see how many stupid little icons it has on
it, how many JavaScript files it loads, how many pop-up windows (with their
own images and Javascript) it loads, etc, etc. (Every Web page designer ought
to be sentenced by law to using a 28.8 modem for all their online access...
but I digress.)
So we should do basically the same thing, but then for the entire internet where everyone is forced to eat the extra overhead the next 15 years or so? At least I have a choice when visiting websites, there are only a few flavors of IP around...

marcelo bagnulo:
In order to preserve aggregation, renumbering is required when changing
ISP, this is why end-sites like PI.

Now, the separation of identifier and locator can help with this,
simplifying re-homing events and renumbering. I guess that this
separation can help in such events. Currently internal systems such as
access lists, firewall use IP address for filtering, so that if the site
renumbers all these list have to be updated. If id-locator separation is
implemented, these systems can use identifiers, that belong to the end
site, symplifying re-homing events. In order to do this, identifiers
need to be carried in packets.
You can't take what's in a packet at face value: this information can be spoofed. I would rather have the firewalls take part in the session establishment procedure. Then you don't need the explicit identifiers as per the above.
