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RE: Again no multi6 at IETF#56

>Production level v6 address assignment can begin as soon as
>we agree on a multihomed solution.

Production addresses are now being handed out now to ISPs and ISPs to
end users.  None of us here and can stop that it is not our decision.
I won't go into the reasons why it is happening but it is and far more
than most would imagine.  But, no one is putting IPv6 in production mode
at this point.  The reason is that more testing is required and more
applications to be ported.  That is what is happening now from places I
know in Asia, U.S. and Europe.  The first production use of IPv6 will be
3GPP IM subsystem and I believe by this time next year it will exists.
But we have thought that before so we will see.

>Is it OK, Jim?

Multihoming is clearly documented to be a problem area.  Any user I know
is aware of the problem.  But it is perceived to be an ISP problem
mostly.  I think it is more than an ISP problem but a routing
architecture problem (on that Tony and I do agree).  Even large user
sites will have multihome issues before packets even enter the public

For those facing this now with some test bed deployment where their
organizations are multihomed and those tests involve multiple ISPs and
remote geography, the only solution is peering and they will use the
essence of 3178 till there is a mutli-home solution.

IPv6 deployment will not wait for multi-homing to be solved.  But, Ipv6
deployment is not today far enough a long that a quick and expedient
solution would be possible at the intersection from test bed deployment
to wide production deployment.  More importantly what I believe will
bust open is home use with IPv6.  If multi6 can deliver a multi-home set
of answers in stages with step 1, step 2, step 3, do not break IPv6
applications in process, and do not break the IPv6 address it will
integrate well into the current deployment.

But for anyone to believe we have time to completely revamp IPv6 or the
market will buy into it, I think is wishful thinking not grounded in

>							Masataka Ohta