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RE: Again no multi6 at IETF#56

|    I still think 
|    that doing it the IPv4 way is the best and fastest hack we 
|    have for 
|    multihoming IPv6.


It may well be the fastest.  Certainly the old way usually is.
And it may be the 'best' that we have right now because we don't
have agreement on a better path.  However, if we do go down the
path of long prefix distribution, the core is almost certain to
implode.  Here, there be dragons that we should avoid.

And regarding the issue of 'choice', we need there to be no
choice in the matter.  If there is a choice in how to multi-home,
then some folks will inevitably choose the wrong way and we
will again implode.

	Freedom from choice: it's what you want.
					-- Devo
