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RE: Again no multi6 at IETF#56

> Joe Abley wrote:
> To be pedantic, the requirements doc doesn't specify
> the starting point

I do not agree. It is clear from that paragraph that the starting point
is either "Current IPV4 multihoming practices" or "the Internet's BGP
Routing Table". Without an accompanying "than xxxx" the "more" refers to
the text immediately above.

| 3.2.1 Scalability
|   Current IPV4 multihoming practices contribute to the
|   significant growth currently observed in the state held
|   in the global inter-provider routing system; this is a
|   concern both because of the hardware requirements it
|   imposes and also because of the impact on the stability
|   of the routing system.  This issue is discussed in
|   great detail in [9]. [Huston, G., "Analyzing the
|   Internet's BGP Routing Table", January 2001.]
|   A new IPv6 multihoming architecture MUST scale to
|   accommodate orders of magnitude more multihomed sites
|   without imposing unreasonable requirements on the
|   routing system.
