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RE: Architectural approaches to multi6

|    The only architectural approach that I've seen on this 
|    list in recent
|    months is the notion of deprecating the concept of an "address",
|    in favour of using "locator" and "identifier" for the 
|    separate purposes
|    of routing and identity.  Maybe I've overlooked something ?
|    If there is another architectural approach in the wings, 
|    maybe someone
|    would be kind enough to summarise that alternate approach 
|    to the list ?


I've seen a number of other proposals, but at the architectural
level, they seem to all boil down to using tunneling to provide
virtual topology that would match the addressing.

While this certainly works and I'm a big fan of tunneling for
some reasons, I'm concerned about an architecture that makes
multi-homing a second class citizen.  It seems to me that
if we can do it right the first time, we should.
