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Re: Architectural approaches to multi6

On Monday, Mar 24, 2003, at 12:58 America/Montreal, Tony Li wrote:
I've seen a number of other proposals, but at the architectural
level, they seem to all boil down to using tunneling to provide
virtual topology that would match the addressing.

While this certainly works and I'm a big fan of tunneling for
some reasons, I'm concerned about an architecture that makes
multi-homing a second class citizen.  It seems to me that
if we can do it right the first time, we should.
I also would strongly prefer a solution that makes
multi-homing a native/first-class property of IPv6.

Does anyone else have any other architectural approaches
(besides the two mentioned so far) that the WG should
consider ??

Existing architectural approaches seem to be:
	1: identity/location separation; with the locator
		following the actual network topology & the
		identifier being quite independent of topology.
	2: tunneling to create a virtual topology
		that matches the addressing

