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Re: Architectural approaches to multi6

On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 19:38, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> On Monday, Mar 24, 2003, at 12:58 America/Montreal, Tony Li wrote:
> > I've seen a number of other proposals, but at the architectural
> > level, they seem to all boil down to using tunneling to provide
> > virtual topology that would match the addressing.
> >
> > While this certainly works and I'm a big fan of tunneling for
> > some reasons, I'm concerned about an architecture that makes
> > multi-homing a second class citizen.  It seems to me that
> > if we can do it right the first time, we should.
> I also would strongly prefer a solution that makes
> multi-homing a native/first-class property of IPv6.
> Does anyone else have any other architectural approaches
> (besides the two mentioned so far) that the WG should
> consider ??

managing multiple addresses a-la SCTP perhaps?

thanks, marcelo

> Existing architectural approaches seem to be:
> 	1: identity/location separation; with the locator
> 		following the actual network topology & the
> 		identifier being quite independent of topology.
> 	2: tunneling to create a virtual topology
> 		that matches the addressing
> Thanks,
> Ran
marcelo bagnulo <marcelo@it.uc3m.es>