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Re: Architectural approaches to multi6

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, RJ Atkinson wrote:

> I also would strongly prefer a solution that makes
> multi-homing a native/first-class property of IPv6.

Agree. But I doubt that's going to happen without some serious changes
to different parts of the protocol stack. Is that something we're
comfortable with?

> Does anyone else have any other architectural approaches
> (besides the two mentioned so far) that the WG should
> consider ??

> Existing architectural approaches seem to be:
> 	1: identity/location separation; with the locator
> 		following the actual network topology & the
> 		identifier being quite independent of topology.
> 	2: tunneling to create a virtual topology
> 		that matches the addressing

3: remove addresses from all places in the protocol stack above the IP
   layer. If higher layers are unaware of addresses and the addresses
   follow the topology, IP can route around failures by changing
