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Re: updating GSE for the new millennium

David Conrad wrote:
> With regards to maintaining the mapping table, I see two generic ways
> of doing this, either pushing data out like routing protocols or
> pulling data in on demand like the DNS.  Both are (obviously) tractable
> and both have advantages and disadvantages.  For obvious reasons I like
> the DNS model (not necessarily the DNS itself), but I see this is a
> side (albeit important) issue to the underlying architecture.

No, I don't think it's a side issue. DNS brings the risk of a big-time 
circular dependency. In fact, Jon Postel thought about this one: he 
contributed the following to RFC 1958:

   3.11 Circular dependencies must be avoided.

      For example, routing must not depend on look-ups in the Domain
      Name System (DNS), since the updating of DNS servers depends on
      successful routing.
