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Re: New draft: Now What?

Hi, I have a comment about this draft from the perspective of Community wireless networks.

3.1.1. Minimal

   Very minimal end-sites, such as typical home networks or very small
   enterprises, are quite small and typically do not include mission-
   critical activities.
Yes, this is true.

   Naturally, anyone would be willing to achieve multihoming benefits,
   but usually the associated costs, e.g. caused by obtaining physical
   connectivity to two ISPs, do not justify it.
This is a argument that begs the question "is it expensive". You are assuming that the answer is yes, but it's not with a CWN, one of the main points of a CWN is to share bandwidth from people connected to different ISPs. That's different people, each individually connected to one ISP, but sharing the traffic between them, in a mesh, or a managed network, whatever, they are still sharing it.
