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RE: IETF multihoming powder: just add IPv6 and stir

    > From: "Tony Li" <Tony.Li@procket.com>

    >>> Frankly, there's no way to reasonably support a host path selection
    >>> feature in the Internet architecture. 

    > The architecture that you describe is no longer the Internet
    > architecture.

Doing much of anything interesting within the current architecture, exactly
as it stands, in many cases isn't really possible. (E.g. the many people
who'd like to separate location and identity to make multi-homing easier.)

Hence I didn't realize that when you said "in the Internet architecture" you
really meant "in the Internet architecture as it currently stands", since
that latter case is a relatively sterile and pointless one.

    > People want the ability to select paths, but are unwilling to pay for
    > it.
I have been aware for some decades now that people want filet mignon from the
network, and expect to get it for the price they've previously been paying
for hamburger. That has been painfully demonstrated in the routing area -
which is a good part of why I never bothered to write down how to do all this.

They seem to have forgotten the common principle of TANSTAAFL - one which
they are only now slowly accepting in the area of multi-homing (and even in
that sphere there are still lots of people who don't get it).
