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Re: Mutli6 meeting in Vienna

I suggest that everyone submits solution classes to be presented and
we then identify the central issue with that class beforehand so we
don't have to be sidetracked by either minor details or fairly obvious
fatal flaws in the meeting. This should allows us to focus on what's

 From what I can tell, there are two main-line solution classes that
have some wider support. A loc/id separated solution, which seems to
have the widest support and what most of the discussions seems to
circling around. The second solution class seems to be a "host based"
In addition there is HIP, which seems to pop up as an example in both
of these solution classes.

Am I correct in my assumptions above?
I think HIP is a loc/id separation solution.  But perhaps you meant
something like "loc/id separation in the network solution" by your
Well, I actually meant that parts of the HIP solution was being discussed as possible pieces for both hosts based and loc/id based solutions.

- kurtis -