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Re: Architecture [Re: Agenda for Vienna]

On donderdag, mei 15, 2003, at 12:15 Europe/Amsterdam, Masataka Ohta wrote:

My draft draft-ohta-e2e-multihoming-03.txt:

               The Architecture of End to End Multihoming

discusses, as is obvious from its title, architectural issue on
host based approach. It, of course, mention loc/id separation.
In this draft you say TCP (and other protocols, leaving those alone for a moment) should get multiple addresses from the application. This is what SCTP already does. I don't see how this is separating the locator and identifier functions, it's just more instances of the combined locator/identifier we're used to.

I feel this approach isn't a good one both for architectural reasons and for deployment reasons (this simply needs too many changes to too many things). The current architecture doesn't differentiate between identifiers and locators so it imposes limits on one because of the requirements for the other. This is messy. Having more of those combined locator/identifier addresses just increases the mess linearly. On the other hand, separating the identifier and locator functions makes it possible to have both the advantages of a stable identifier and the advantages of flexible locators.

However, I do agree that TCP knows much more about reachability than IP so in practice we'll want to take advantage of that. But there are other ways to skin this particular cat than selecting layer 4 as the place to solve the multihoming problem.