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Re: Two Prefixes in One Address (was: new draft)

On donderdag, mei 22, 2003, at 16:12 Europe/Amsterdam, Shane Kerr wrote:


I had a read of your draft, and it's very nice.

I have some specific comments:

Why specify "no more than 1 per minute" for ICMP packets?  This seems
kind of arbritrary.
The value is arbitrary, of course. What I want to do is make sure implementers don't just keep pinging to see if the other side is up. That would make for way too much control traffic and there are much smarter ways to do this.

Note that if you *required* some sort of KEEPALIVE on all locators
then it could help with poor middleboxes.  :)
Too bad for the poor middleboxes, let them earn their keep.  (-:

What does "in the absense of better knowledge" mean?
If the client knows one locator address is reachable and the other isn't, it should use the reachable address of course. But if it doesn't know, then it may as well use the last address used by the correspondent. This way the correspondent gets to prefer one of the incoming paths rather than have to depend on coin tosses elsewhere.

Again, if you required some sort of KEEPALIVE, then you could build an RTT-style
mechanism into the protocol.
I hate keepalives. See my exchanges with the SCTP people last year.

This mechanism works at the IP layer, but I assume that if and when it's implemented, it will be integrated with TCP processing. Then it makes sense to keep RTT timing results for each virtual path. This could help the TCPs with choosing the best path, or even load balance the session over more than one path.

But even without this it should be possible to get around periodic keepalives by simply monitoring what's going out and what's coming in. When a non-ACK packet has been sent out but nothing has come back for X seconds, then it makes sense to send a keepalive. But not when packets are flowing anyway.

I suggest that you recommend people *not* use the identifier address
as the regular address.  It seems like a great potential source of
I think you're right. I had the idea that it might be possible to simply send packets and only bother with the multihoming thing when the session turns out to be long-lived, but that didn't make it in this draft so there is no advantage in making identifiers and the associated locators overlap.

It might be better for a multihomed-aware but single-homed client to
use the same information for locator 1 and locator 2?  As in, "prefix
from ISP A" and "prefix from ISP B" are the same.  No special handling
would be needed on the multihomed server side then - it can merely use
the same algorithm for all clients.
True, but then non-multihomed clients also can't use autoconfiguration. Just setting the top byte to 0 or something like that doesn't entirely break autoconfiguration.

"Note that multihomed communication without involvement from the DNS
isnt' psossible." overstates the case, and not really pertinent.  I
suggest removing it.
The client needs the DNS to find locators for the server. So without the ability to query the DNS, multihomed communication isn't possible. We may be able to repair this by using something like "identifier+loc1+loc2+loc3" as the hostname, though.

I think there may be some security issue, in that a client can
generate packets to another client by sending a packet with the prefix
from a 3rd party in the multihomed client address.  Haven't thought
too much about this....
Shouldn't be worse than regular spoofing. However, it does give clients a way to get around anti-spoofing filters to some degree so I guess this should go in the security considerations.
