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Re: Fwd: Minutes / Notes


> > For the source endpoint information, i am not sure
> > I think that carrying the source identifier would make more sense, since it
> > identifies the other endd of the communication. 
> Carrying a source identifier is harmful.  For our argument, see
> Catharina Candolin and Pekka Nikander, "IPv6 Source Addresses Considered 
> Harmful," in Hanne Riis Nielson (ed.), Proceedings of NordSec 2001, 
> Sixth Nordoc Workshop on Secure IT Systems,  November 1-2, Lyngby, 
> Denmark, Technical Report IMM-TR-2001-14, pp. 54-68, Technical 
> University of Denmark, November 2001.
> http://www.tml.hut.fi/~pnr/publications/nordsec2001.pdf

You forgot the fact that the Internet is a public network.

							Masataka Ohta