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Re: Fwd: Minutes / Notes

[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> > But don't mistake these questions for the first question - of whether you do
> > the separation.
> I would contend that modern applications already separate identity and location.

Of resources or hosts?

> Take three different example, the web, SIP, and P2P file sharing networks. In web applications, the objects are identified by an http URL;

> in SIP, end points are identified by a SIP URL;

> in P2P networks files are identified by their names and attributes.

URL locates, not identifies, resource, not host.

> All of these applications treat IP addresses strictly as locations

Wrong. With URL, you can identify resource on a host, only if you
can identify the host.

If a host holding a resource is, at the same location, replaced
by another host holding different resource, URL now points to
resource with different identity.

						Masataka Ohta