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Re: Fwd: Minutes / Notes


It should also be noted that binding between locators and identifiers
in single DNS reply packets have just enough security.
No, it doesn't, see below.

Strongly disagree.  See the flooding attacks in
but you can fairly easily find out variants that do.

The variant (or a simple case) is an issue to be addressed by
return routability and/or DNS reverse/forward mapping just as
current IPv4 or 6.
Please get your facts right.

1. I create the following DNS records for myself
   (using A here for AAAA just to make the point...)

   pnr.iki.fi.         IN IDENTITY XXX
   pnr.iki.fi.         IN A
   pnr.iki.fi.         IN A

   [For those who don't want to check, is pnr.iki.fi, is necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp]

2. I order a large number of streams, all
   associated with XXX, directed to
   These can be TCP or UDP streams...

3. I start sending acknowledgements with source
   address spoofed to

4. The hosts shipping the streams think that my
   link to has just crashed, and
   start shipping the packets to

The rest should be clear.  Yes, you can defeat
this particular scenario by saying that in IPv6
ingress filtering will be universally deployed,
but there are other, more complex ones where
ingress filtering does not necessarily help.

--Pekka Nikander