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RE: Reasonable to use crypto in all communications? (Re: Fwd: Minutes/Notes)

Thanks for pointing to my glaring lack of detail.  Yes, Steve will
be working with design team 1.


|    -----Original Message-----
|    From: Kurt Erik Lindqvist [mailto:kurtis@kurtis.pp.se] 
|    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:12 PM
|    To: Tony Li
|    Cc: Pekka Nikander; marcelo bagnulo; multi6@ops.ietf.org
|    Subject: Re: Reasonable to use crypto in all 
|    communications? (Re: Fwd: Minutes/Notes)
|    Hash: SHA1
|    	Tony,
|    > |    I am starting to think that we would need a proper security
|    > |    analysis on multi-address multi-homing.  I might be willing
|    > |    to spend some cycles on writing a draft on that, but only
|    > |    later in the fall  (starting from mid September or so).
|    >
|    >
|    > Actually, we've already been able to draft Steve Bellovin to help
|    > us out here.  Thanks for volunteering tho.
|    >
|    Are you saying that you will also present a draft on this, 
|    or are you 
|    saying that you have enlisted Steve for working with 
|    design-team-1 (for 
|    lack of better separation)?
|    I think that a draft outlining security threats for 
|    multi-addressing 
|    would also be good, perhaps working with design-team-2?
|    - - kurtis -
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