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Re: Consensus on identifier/locator split?

Tony Hain wrote:
I would say there is consensus that splitting would solve several problems,
but I wouldn't go so far to say there is consensus that it is the right
approach. Fundamentally, splitting amounts to rearchitecting the Internet
since many current assumptions would be invalidated. While this is a fine
thing for an IRTF wg to take on, an IETF Ops WG should be focused on
realistic things that can be done in our working lifetimes.
We (the NSRG) looked at this, albeit obliquely. While there was not even rough consensus as to results, there are several possible alternatives that we discussed. How developed should a solution be before it hits the IETF? HIP has implementations as does MIPv6. There are some limitations to MIPv6 that Christian has done a good job of both illuminating and attempting to provide some answers to. So it seems to me that the iEtf is well suited to look at the problem at this point in time, so long as the ieSG understands that the results will hit multiple working groups. Trying to do this in isolation from the rest of the IETF would be silly.
