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Re: Consensus on identifier/locator split?

Are you making the assumption that all your ISPs will route your PI?
If not, you will always end-up with multiple addresses anyway.

To answer Tony's question, I think this split is unavoidable.
The question is where it happens (bellow TCP, in TCP or above)
and how to opt-in. For transition reasons, I think that opt-out is not realistic.

- Alain.

marcelo bagnulo wrote:

Hi Tony,

I think that a previous question that we may ask is whether we agree that we
will use PA addresses (topologically meaningfull addresses) or we will
assign PI addresses.

If we choose to use PA addresses, then we need to have multiple PA addresses
in multi-hmed environments, this implies that when a node A is communication
with a multi-homed node, node A has to know that all the PA addresses belogn
to the same mh node, so the location and id function are splitted at some
level (IP, transport, application), because somewhere someone knows that
multiple locators are linked to a sinlge entity.

If we use PI addresses we only have a single address which accomplishes both
the id and the loc fucntion so we don't have to split.

So, the question fo me is, do we agree we will use multiple PA addresses in
multi-homed environments? if so i would say we agree that the identifier
function and the location function are splitted.

Regards, marcelo

PS: I know smoe are unconfortable with this PA PI terminology, please read
as topology meaningfull and topology independent

-----Mensaje original-----
De: owner-multi6@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-multi6@ops.ietf.org]En
nombre de Tony Li
Enviado el: miercoles, 06 de agosto de 2003 19:23
Para: multi6@ops.ietf.org
Asunto: Consensus on identifier/locator split?


I don't mean to disrupt other constructive conversations,
so please carry on with those.

I'd just like to get a sense from the group about where
we are so far. Do we have consensus about splitting
the address into locators and identifiers? Note that
I'm NOT asking about specifics, like "how big", "what
mappings exist", "is it secure", etc. Do we agree that
we want to go down this path?

Silence is not assent...
