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Re: MIPv6 hopeless


> May agree with this also. However, reusing existing aproved protocols
> also has benefits

If only the protocols were hopeful.

> > A properly designed mobility protocol should support multiple 
> > home agents at multiple locations.

> The aplication of MIP to multi-homing support that i am describing does
> not use a home agent

A mobile host has a stable address(es) to be published by,
say, DNS.

Something taking care of the address(es) is the home agent.

That is, you are either not describing mobility (because address
changes as hosts move) or describing home agent aspect of mobility.

> > MIP security is based on shared secret shared between mobile 
> > hosts and home agents.
> > 
> NO.
> Read mipv6 specification and in particular read the description of
> return routability procedure

Read the draft and think.

There is no return packet, if you have no idea on where to send
a initial packet.

							Masataka Ohta