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Re: Comments on draft-crocker-mast-proposal-00.txt


Thank you for the quick response.  (It was not late at all.)

FT> LIN6 introduces a 64-bit "node identifier (node id)" which is
FT> assigned to a node. The node id is not only a transport layer
FT> identifier. The node id in LIN6 is used in the application layer,
FT> the transport layer, and the network layer (possibly, in the link
FT> layer).

Although the node id might come from the link layer id, it takes on its
property as a LIN6 node id in the LIN6 module. I did not see that it was used
in the IP layer. Have I missed something?

Let me explain why I am calling the LIN6 node id a transport-level value:

From my reading of the LIN6 specification, I believe that the primary purpose
of the node id is for the transport layer, so that the transport layer will
not see the changing IP addresses. Yes, it might also be passed up to the
application, but that is not its primary purpose or use. IP addresses also get
passed to application, but we consider them a Internet-layer value.

So, yes, one could call the node id a network-level value. Or a
transport-and-above value.  As I was reading LIN6, I found it more helpful
simply to think of it as a transport-level value.

 Dave Crocker <dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com>
 Brandenburg InternetWorking <www.brandenburg.com>
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA <tel:+1.408.246.8253>