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Re: The End-to-End Principle (was Re: Fwd: A comment about MAST)

There was a nice presentation on this topic by Harald Alvestrand at
Nordunet 2003.   Unfortunately his slides aren't online after the event,
but he may be able to point you at them somewhere online ("Where is the 
'End' in end-to-end")


On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 02:42:36PM -0700, Eugene M. Kim wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 01:46:25PM -0700, Eugene M. Kim wrote:
> > 
> > OT: Actually I was reading your E2E multihoming draft this morning then
> > encountered a similar problem; you apparently believed in the concept of
> > E2E by using phrases like `end to end _principle_' but failed to clarify
> > what `end-to-end' exactly implied.  If you meant some concept widely
> > believed in by other people, perhaps adding at the end of the draft a
> > reference to some other document that discusses the concept would help
> > the uninformed camp (including me) understand you and your proposal
> > better.
> A mea-culpa self-reply... =)  It seems that concept has been already
> documented for more than 20 years: Saltzer et al, `End-to-End Arguments
> in System Design', found online at
> http://web.mit.edu/Saltzer/www/publications/endtoend/endtoend.txt; could
> you add this to your e2e-multihoming draft as a reference?
> Thanks,
> Eugene