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RE: regionalized addresses, RIRs, and table size

This has been discussed in regard to the minimum allocation from the
IANA to the RIRs in all the regions.  There has been no conclusion
reached in regards to a policy, which by the way would be a global
policy and would have to pass through the ASO Address Council and the
ICANN Board.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-multi6@ops.ietf.org 
> [mailto:owner-multi6@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf Of Joseph T. Klein
> Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 10:03 AM
> To: multi6@ops.ietf.org
> Subject: regionalized addresses, RIRs, and table size
> IMHO - The concept of geographic based, or regionalized addresses
> recently mentioned seems to merit some review in light of recent
> other discussions.
> Possible positive impacts of geographic based IPv6 addresses are:
> * Ability to have smaller allocations within a region without
>     bloating the global rout table.
> * It compliments regional peering.
> * It tends to aggregate globally.
> Negative
> * Impact of networks without extra regional topologies
> In gross terms the RIRs provide Continental regionalization.
> The inefficencies of shifting the aggregation level down to a
> metro region size may be offset by the gains in allowing small
> allocation for local multi-homed sites, the need to bloat
> ones allocation requirement to get a globally routable block
> being irrelevant under this scheme.
> All the tricks required to do multihoming under the current
> address architecture seem to inject new complexities into
> routing and possibly the interface at the application layer.
> Point:
> All the multi-homed proposals seem a lot more of a problem
> than geographic based address allocation. Why not apply
> the analog of Occam's Razor to this problem. If geographic
> allocations provide the simple solution, why not reevaluate?
> --
> Joseph T. Klein
>    "Perfect is the enemy of good enough."
>                                            -- Admiral S.G. Gorshkov
> PSTN: +1 414 961 1690 VoIP: +1 414 431 4231 Mobile: +1 414 628 3380