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Re: Full routes needed at sites? [Re: RIR bashing, was: Routing table size?]


A typical customer (at least the kind of I imagine using something like this) would be one connecting to two operators operating in the same region. The global connectivity would be more or less the same. Sure, there could be differences and optimizations of dozens of milliseconds, but that wouldn't be a major problem.

You are saying there were geographical aggregation.

There is not.

Otherwise, go with geographic aggregation.

It should also be noted that, like geographic aggregation, your
scheme will make some local peeing a single point of failure.

Remember -- the ISPs *do* inter-connect locally these days, except in some developing areas. And in that case, the choice of the ISP for outbound packets really don't matter much at all, as long as it just works..

If only it had worked.

The reality is that partially broken ISP is paritally broken.

Masataka Ohta