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New drafts


A couple more drafts are available from my server:


(This one didn't make it before the draft cutoff so it won't show up using regular channels before Minneapolis.)


Recently there have been many discussions on separating the locator and
identifier functions of IP addresses in order to facilitate scalable
multihoming, mobility and address stability. This document describes a way
to incorporate a 64 bit identifier in IPv6 addresses without getting in
the way of regular IPv6 operation, and the related mechanisms to verify
the authenticity of the identifier used by a correspondent. The intent is
to foster further discussion within the multi6 design team and elswere,
not to provide a complete specification.




   This document outlines a potential solution to IPv6 multihoming in
   order to stimulate discussion.  This proposal is a middle ground
   between the NOID and CB128 proposals.

   This proposed solution relies on verification the crypto-based
   identifier properties (using public-key crypto during uncommon
   operations), while allowing locator rewriting by (border) routers,
   with no per-packet overhead.  The solution does have something which
   could be viewed as a "stack name" type of identifier, but this isn't
   exposed to upper layer protocols.  Instead it ensures that all upper
   layer protocols can operate unmodified in a multihomed setting while
   still seeing a stable IPv6 address, even though the address
   internally consists of 64-bits worth of subnet locator plus 64-bits
   of crypto-based identifier.

   This solution (and this draft) is remarkably similar to draft-
   nordmark-multi6-noid-00.txt; only issues related to prevention of
   redirection attacks differ.

   DISCLAIMER: This work has been discussed in a design team.  The
   design team is still exploring multiple approaches and this is an
   attempt to capture one such approach on paper.  Because of this and
   due to lack of time to review the document one can not say that this
   is a product of the DT; errors and confusions should be attributed to
   the scribe and not to the DT.
