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Re: Alternatives to source address rewriting (was RE: Preserving established communications (was RE: about draft-nordmark-multi6-noid-00)


I recall reading a draft and slides which proposed using something like RIPv2
to distribute all the external routes from all the edges to the internal
routers and hosts (draft-ohta-e2e-multihoming).

Two issues with that aspect of that proposal: 1. Folks seem to be want to put IP connectivity in smaller and smaller devices.
Thus even though a laptop with a few hundered meg of memory can easily
the full routing table, it isn't obvious to me that it is a good thing
assuming that all hosts that want to benefit from site multihoming will
want to store the full routing table.

Smaller device? Read the draft. It says:

  But, with smaller full routing table and larger scale of integration,
  there is no reason not to have full routing table on every end

That is, my draft takes care of those who don't have much knowledge
on trend of integration scale. But, I can't help those who don't
read it. Smaller and smaller devices are having more and more memory.

In addition, the draft says:

  One may still be allowed, though discouraged, to have local
  configuration with dumb end systems and an intelligent proxy. But,
  such configuration should be implemented with a protocol for purely
  local use without damaging the global protocol.

that people who don't accept the trend of integration are also
taken care of.

Do read the draft.

2. Efficiency/timeliness; when a different exit path should taken from
a site for a given prefix/address this needs to be communicated rapidly
and efficiently so that packets can use the new path.
Sending all updates to the Internet routing table to all hosts is one way
to convey this, but this means that updates to prefixes which nobody in
the site care about might be communicated to hundereds of routers and thousands of hosts.

But it is non issue

with smaller full routing table and larger scale of integration,

and faster network speed.

   And when a single or a few hosts indeed are interested
   in that update, it will potentially take some time to propagate, especially
   with a distance vector protocol as the distribution mechanism.

A route can be used only after it is processed by the routing system.

So, it all depends on the routing protocol used.

Those who use RIPv2++ on networks with complex loop topology
will suffer a lot of delay.

Those who use OSPF (not OSPF++ but OSPF as is as it has fields to
carry information required for source address selection) on the
topology won't see much delay.

   A possible alternative is a packet driven approach at the border router
   where the arrival of a packet causes a signal back to the host.
   This signal could be either a source locator rewrite (which will return
   to the host in packets coming from the peer) or some new ICMP error
   directly to the host.

For the discouraged case, I prefer using an intelligent proxy server to choose a source address for a dumb end system.

It would be good if the WG could explore the tradeoffs in this part of
the multihoming puzzle.

Before doing that, do you know how much memory can be put on a typical chip? Do you know how much memory is consumed for typical code for TCP/IP stack? Do you know how much memory is consumed for a typical routing table entry?

These are the basic figures for constructive discussion.

Masataka Ohta