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Re: Alternatives to source address rewriting (was RE: Preserving established communications (was RE: about draft-nordmark-multi6-noid-00)

marcelo bagnulo wrote:
> > So you would envision manually installing the rules in each
> > internal router
> > that says "packets with source address prefix X gravitate towards exit
> > router Rx"?
> That was my initial idea, yes
> Note that this is not a dynamic information, since it only changes when the
> site changes ISP or when the ISP renumbers, and both events shouldn't be
> very frequent (at least not so frequent to demand a dynamic protocol)

I'm sorry, if we are trying for a mass-market solution we can't assume
any ability to do manual config of routing tables. That doesn't exclude
this approach, but it requires automatic configs (a.k.a. a routing
protocol, or something like Router Renumbering on steroids).   
