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Re: Bash IETF, not RIRs

On 13-okt-03, at 5:23, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

Back to your idea of having a full routing table in each host. We've talked about this and things haven't changed in the mean time. Without aggregation, this makes sense, as a host then knows what's reachable and what isn't, and maybe even gets to determine which path to a certain destination is shorter. But all this very useful information is hidden behind aggregation. For instance, if you want to determine whether you want to reach me through my 3ffe:2500:310::/48 or my 2001:888:1dde::/48 prefix, you're not going to be able to see whether those are reachable, as the /48s aren't going to be in the global routing table, just 3ffe:2500::/32 and 2001:888::/32.