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RE: Summary of work areas

|  > Threat analysis
|  > Locator storage & distribution
|  > Mappings between locators, identifiers, and FQDNs
|  > Security solutions
|  > Exit addressing
|  >
|  > Additions, modifications?
|  Are you saying that these are issues that you would like to see in 
|  Elliots draft or are you saying that these are issues that 
|  we need to 
|  break out as sub-pieces in general?


I'm proposing that we divide-and-conquer on these issues.  We send
folks off to document the solution space for each of these, document
the pros and cons, and then try to achieve subgroup consensus for
each of these major decisions.  

I want to stress that this is a PROPOSAL.  If you wanna do something
else, I'm game.  All that I'm proposing is that we avoid proposal
bashing and instead take a normal engineering subsystem approach
to making decisions.  Hierarchy is a fine goal for tackling scalability
in our decision making processes as well.

I was under the impression that Elliot was going to document these
areas.  If I'm confused, please push my reset.
