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Re: how many locators?


Suppose that an ISP, in average, serves 1K people mostly singly
homed and world population is 5G, there will be 5M ISPs.

I think 1K subscribers is a very low average.

In countries, such as GB, where PTT is still strong, maybe, it is.

But, we are talking about the future.

It won't, or, at least, it is safe to assume it won't.

Note also that I assumed people will use ISPs not only
as home users but also as mobile and corporagte users.

Even 10k seems low to me.
So I think 500k ISPs is more likely than 5M.

Just 4 or 5 times more than the current number of routes?

It, surely, is too optimistic.

Moreover, even it costs a lot, not only for memory and bandwidth
but also for operational costs such as BGP convergence time,
possibility of route flapping, possibility of bogus route
and so on. 100K is already too much.

Masataka Ohta