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Re: delayed multihoming/mobility set-up

On 14-nov-03, at 0:10, Pekka Savola wrote:

Is it necessary to ensure connection survivability prior to the connection

Or, is it necessary to ensure connection survivability in parallel with
the connection establishment?

Or even, is it OK to just ensure connection survivability only for
"long-lived" sessions (e.g., those which have lasted for longer than 5
minutes), using some definition.

Ideally, it should be possible to take an identifier, connect to it and the connection establishes as long as there is a single working source/destination locator pair. However, if we want to build this, we need an identfier->locator (and probably also locator->identifier) mapping infrastructure. At present, nobody seems too thrilled about either using the DNS for this or building something from scratch. This approach also has the downside that it's all or nothing: both sides must implement it and the mapping infrastructure must be in place before it can work.

The alternative is making improvements to what we have now. One thing that needs to be solved regardless of what else happens is the whole source address/exit ISP selection and ingress filtering problem. Another problem that we can solve on just one end (which makes it infinitely easier to do) is establishing a connection in the presence of unreachable destination addresses. This is hardly rocket science, as very old versions of telnet and FTP already cycle through all IP addresses associated with a FQDN until they find a live one. Many IPv6 applications do this quite well today (ie, not requiring a very long TCP connect timeout before trying another address). And on systems that provide a connectbyname() function call this entire problem can be solved in the OS rather than in individual applications.

The only thing that we can't possibly solve without involving both ends is connection survivability. Now obviously we can go back to our ideal solution as listed above, or we can add some stuff to existing protocols that makes it possible to repair reachability problems in a backward compatible manner. The huge advantage here is that there is no need to determine the type of connection that can be set up beforehand: just connect and see what happens.

The next step is setting up the multihoming mechanisms. Rather than exchanging addresses in-band, I think we should limit ourselves to just announcing an authentication token. This can easily be done with minimal overhead in a destination option in one of the first packets. Then the session (including non-TCP "sessions") can proceed as they would normally in the absense of multihoming mechanisms.

Only when the connection gets stuck because of a a reachability problem (and the session would normally time out), the multihoming stuff kicks in. If the session was set up using the DNS, the initiator or client knows the locator addresses for the other side so it is able to find a working source/destination locator set. If additional locators aren't available, then it is still possible to repair most failures by sticking to the destination locator but jumping to a new source locator. Obviously, there would have to be some serious negotiating as the other side doesn't know the packets with the new source addresses belong to the existing session. This is where the authentication token comes in, in order to prove that the "new" correspondent is the same as the previously known one.

To answer your initial question whether it is necessary to protect not yet established sessions using multihoming mechanisms: in the above universe this wouldn't be required as the application or OS on the initiating side knows how to connect to a correspondent with unreachable locators without employing end-to-end multihoming mechanisms. But it's probably useful to provide this functionality anyway if possible to accommodate applications that don't do this themselves or use system calls that allow the OS to do it.

One additional caveat if we go this route: since the additional locators aren't available until there is a reachability problem, smart upper layer protocols don't get to do their thing. I think this can be solved by adding additional mechanisms that ty in to the core session survivability mechanisms by allowing the ULP to request adding new locators to the mix. The multihoming layer then negotiates with the other side and then reports back to the ULP whether it can use the requested locators. After that, the ULP can bypass the rewriting that would normally be done by the mh layer and use its own magic. Note that the way this is done today in SCTP where the ULP negotiates the additional addresses itself is probably insecure.