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Re: additional attack for multi6 threat draft?


X sends to A a sort of BU binding X as the CoA and B as the HoA (in order to
do this X may need to be on the path between A and B, but if this is only
for a short period of time that attack can be successful)

MITM can do almost anything, of course.

Do you think this is a real threat?

No, of course.

the example considered in the threat draft is that A and B will comunicate,

ALl you need is a threat draft with plain IP.

(i will use mip notation to simplify)

Just FYI, MIPv6 or any mobility protocol with triangular elimination can be a cause of new type of threat, even though no MITM is involed.

However, triangular emilination is an important feature of MIPv6
and it has nothing to do with multi6.

Masataka Ohta