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RE: [Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-lear-multi6-things-to-think-about-00.txt]
> | > - Is the multi-homing solution IPv6 only or can it also be
> | used with
> | > IPv4?
> | > I know this is multi6, but it is probably interesting to
> | know if the
> | > solution can be applied to IPv4
> |
> | To be honest, I think this is not important right now. Let's
> | solve the
> | task at hand first. If we after that figures out that it
> | works for IPv4
> | as well, all the better.
> I'd submit that if it cannot be easily ported back to IPv4, that it
> bears
> closer examination. v4 and v6 are architecturally very similar. Any
> solution that does not apply to both is either a kludge or is exploiting
> an odd property of one of the two. In either case, it would bear close
> examination. You know, the kind that you give things when the fire
> alarm
> in the building goes off... ? ;-)
Yes, but what I am saying (and so is Brian in the latest mail) is that is
not a target for this WG.
> | > - About incremental deployment, i think that there are
> | different ideas
> | > about
> | > what incremental deployment means.
> |
> | Maybe what we would need is to have each proposal include a
> | description
> | of how the proposal is implemented in a site/network?
> Deployability is always a good thing for running code... ;-)
> Yes, I think any proposal needs to describe a plausible deployment
> scenario.
- kurtis -