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Re: modules of a mh solution (was RE: New multi6 draft: WIMP)

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On 2004-02-19, at 17.34, Dave Crocker wrote:

> marcelo,
> mb> I agree that the mechanism to learn one's own addresses is 
> fundamental, but
> mb> i thought that the mechanism to do that would be stateless (or 
> statefull)
> mb> address autoconfiguration...
> mb> Do you think that we may need something else?
> I don't have any particular thoughts about the solution for this.  As
> long as it scales at least as well as DHCP it is fine with me.
> The one thing that makes this more challenging than DHCP is the problem
> of timing and initiative.  DHCP is triggered by the client with an
> obvious example being system boot.
> For multiaddressing, the easy question is how to supply information
> about multiple addresses at system boot.
> The harder question is how to get information about the availability of
> new addresses to the client system? Offhand, I think this requires a
> "push" mechanism from the network, rather than a pull mechanism from 
> the
> client, in order to make sure the client learns of the changes in a
> timely fashion.

Following my question in the other mail, do you also see that this 
mechanism in some way needs to help with the actual address selection? 
So, my concern  is that we actually have a problem split in (at least) 
two pieces - making the end system aware of what addresses with what 
properties are available to it; and from the set of addresses/locators 
make the selection of which one to use.

You can further complicate the above if we think that selecting a 
address for initial communication is one thing, selecting a address for 
established communication is something else.

- - kurtis -

Version: PGP 8.0.3
