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RE: stable addressing


>     > we will *own* our own IP addresses.
> Just out of curiousity, when you move an installation, do you demand to take
> your street address with you, too?

Just a small comment on this.  One of the problems is that companies
already think that they own their address space; they don't want to
'lease' it from a service provider.  Prior to wide-scale use of IP inside
of companies, most corporate / enterprise networks used purely local
addressing based on Netware or whatever networking software they were using.
This is one of the reasons, IMO, that NATs are prevelent inside of 
enterprises - network admins did not need to apply a new paradigm
when designing intranets.  If we are suggesting that we take away
the percieved address-space ownership, then we should make a good case
for the benefits of doing so, otherwise the tendancy will be to use
some sort of private addressing with IPv6.
