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Re: Fallacy by Kurt (was Re: IPv6 Policy Clarification - Initial allocation criteria "d)")

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> Read the draft.

Several times today alone, otherwise I wouldn't remember what it said.

>> Why would customers go to NLIs in the first place? I for one would 
>> only
>> by service from TLIs.
> It is you who are ignoring the reality.
> Why do customers today buy service from tier2 providers?

If we concentrate on the  draft-ohta-multihomed-isps-00.txt proposal 
alone :

What you are describing is different service I as a customer would get 
from my Tier-2/NLI provider. With the model described in  
draft-ohta-multihomed-isps-00.txt I as a customer would have to change 
IP addresses if the NLI/Tier-2 provider decided to use another TLI for 
_their_ commercial reasons. This change will have an economic impact on 
me as a customer that I would need to recover from my provider, or be 
prepared to take, without having any influence over how or when this 
would happen. I, as a customer, would then much rather be a customer of 
the TLI directly, that would assure me that I would have stable 
addresses, until _I_ decide to change provider and take the cost of 
renumbering. This is significantly different from how the Internet 
works today. If I pick a Tier-2 or Tier-3 provider, I will in most 
cases get addresses provided out of their PA allocation. That 
allocation is permanent with the ISP as long as they exist and pays 
their RIR (and in most cases long after they don't pay their RIR). If I 
decide to change providers, I change addresses. Again, then it's my 
decision as a customer that will trigger this.

We have very different views on how the Internet operates today and 
what the underlaying model is. Let's leave it at that.

- - kurtis -

Version: PGP 8.0.3
