Multi6 people,
At the meetings this week, the design team drafts were discussed,
and consensus in the room was positive for the following questions:
1. Do we agree that the way forward is the direction and
work produced by the design team [modulo the missing pieces,
including choosing site-exit routers]?
2. Do we agree on the need for a solution architecture document?
3. Do we agree to recommend a new working group in the Internet Area
to follow up the design team approach?
4. Do we agree to close down multi6 when its current work is done?
If you *disagree* with any of the above, please respond to the
list, with a short explanation, in the next few days.
Brian + Kurtis
PS: the drafts in question are
Multihoming Level 3 Shim Approach
Hash Based Addresses (HBA)
Functional decomposition of the M6 protocol
Failure Detection and Locator Selection in Multi6
Multi6 Application Referral Issues