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Compact RELAX NG Schema for NETCONF

Here is a RELAX NG schema for the NETCONF protocol in compact form.
It was created automatically from the XML form of the RNG schema.



default namespace nc = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"
namespace local = ""
namespace inh = inherit

message-id = attribute message-id { xsd:string }

session-id = element session-id { xsd:unsignedInt }

anyElement = element * { ( attribute * { text } | text | anyElement )* }

config = anyElement*

configName =
   element startup { empty }
 | element candidate { empty }
 | element running { empty }

url = element url { xsd:anyURI }

source = element source { config | configName | url }

target = element target { configName | url }

filter =
   element filter
      attribute type { "subtree" | "xpath" }?,
      ( anyElement | text )?

getConfigType = element get-config { source, filter? }

operation = attribute operation { "merge" | "replace" | "create" | "delete" }

default-operation = element default-operation { "merge" | "replace" | "none" }

test-option = element test-option { "test" | "test-then-set" | "set" }

error-option = element error-option { "stop-on-error" | "ignore-error" }

editConfigType =
   element edit-config

copyConfigType = element copy-config { source, target }

deleteConfigType = element delete-config { target }

getType = element get { filter? }

lockType = element lock { target }

unlockType = element unlock { target }

validateType = element validate { source }

commitType =
   element commit
      element confirmed { empty }?,
      element confirm-timeout { xsd:unsignedInt }?

discardChangesType = element discard-changes { empty }

closeSessionType = element close-session { empty }

killSessionType = element kill-session { session-id }

rpcType =
 | editConfigType
 | copyConfigType
 | deleteConfigType
 | getType
 | lockType
 | unlockType
 | validateType
 | commitType
 | discardChangesType
 | closeSessionType
 | killSessionType

error-type =
   element error-type { "transport" | "rpc" | "protocol" | "application" }

error-tag =
   element error-tag

error-severity = element error-severity { "warning" | "error" }

rpcErrorType =
   element rpc-error
      element error-app-tag { text }?,
      element error-path { text }?,
      element error-message { text }?,
      element error-info
         element bad-attribute { text }?,
         element bad-element { text }?,
         element ok-element { text }?,
         element err-element { text }?,
         element noop-element { text }?,

rpcReplyType =
   element ok { empty } | rpcErrorType | element data { anyElement? }

helloType = element capabilities { element capability { text }+ }

start |= element rpc { message-id, rpcType }

start |= element rpc-reply { message-id?, rpcReplyType }

start |= element hello { helloType }

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