With a more readable schema comes understanding and therefore more questions...;-)
One thing that I'm puzzled about here the association between the schema of NetConf
(whatever language is used to describe it) and the concept of capability.
Capability allows one to extend the protocol in an open manner but
that seems to be contradicted the schema. I note, for example, that the schema below
not only describes the base NetConf structures but also those introduced by
optional capabilities (URL, candidate, ...).
How can the schema know in advance all possible capabilities.
In fact, the schema even closes the door on them... For example, one
good idea (I wish was in the document itself but that's another story) is to include
time-stamp information in the <ok> element. The schema closes the door to this
(and any capability extension in this direction) by mandating that the ok element
is empty.
So how can the schema be as extensible as NetConf capabilities?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-netconf@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-netconf@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf Of Rob Enns
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:58 PM
To: netconf@ops.ietf.org
Subject: Compact RELAX NG Schema for NETCONF
Here is a RELAX NG schema for the NETCONF protocol in compact form. It was created automatically from the XML form of the RNG schema.
default namespace nc = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"
namespace local = ""
namespace inh = inherit
message-id = attribute message-id { xsd:string }
session-id = element session-id { xsd:unsignedInt }
anyElement = element * { ( attribute * { text } | text | anyElement )* }
config = anyElement*
configName =
element startup { empty }
| element candidate { empty }
| element running { empty }
url = "" url { xsd:anyURI }
source = element source { config | configName | url }
target = element target { configName | url }
filter =
element filter
attribute type { "subtree" | "xpath" }?,
( anyElement | text )?
getConfigType = element get-config { source, filter? }
operation = attribute operation { "merge" | "replace" | "create" | "delete" }
default-operation = element default-operation { "merge" | "replace" | "none" }
test-option = element test-option { "test" | "test-then-set" | "set" }
error-option = element error-option { "stop-on-error" | "ignore-error" }
editConfigType =
element edit-config
copyConfigType = element copy-config { source, target }
deleteConfigType = element delete-config { target }
getType = element get { filter? }
lockType = element lock { target }
unlockType = element unlock { target }
validateType = element validate { source }
commitType =
element commit
element confirmed { empty }?,
element confirm-timeout { xsd:unsignedInt }?
discardChangesType = element discard-changes { empty }
closeSessionType = element close-session { empty }
killSessionType = element kill-session { session-id }
rpcType =
| editConfigType
| copyConfigType
| deleteConfigType
| getType
| lockType
| unlockType
| validateType
| commitType
| discardChangesType
| closeSessionType
| killSessionType
error-type =
element error-type { "transport" | "rpc" | "protocol" | "application" }
error-tag =
element error-tag
error-severity = element error-severity { "warning" | "error" }
rpcErrorType =
element rpc-error
element error-app-tag { text }?,
element error-path { text }?,
element error-message { text }?,
element error-info
element bad-attribute { text }?,
element bad-element { text }?,
element ok-element { text }?,
element err-element { text }?,
element noop-element { text }?,
rpcReplyType =
element ok { empty } | rpcErrorType | element data { anyElement? }
helloType = element capabilities { element capability { text }+ }
start |= element rpc { message-id, rpcType }
start |= element rpc-reply { message-id?, rpcReplyType }
start |= element hello { helloType }
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