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Summary of opsec mini-BOF @ IETF

Notes from meeting to discuss
Draft of "Network Security Requirements for Devices Implementing Internet Protocol"
March 17, 2003 @ IETF56

  George Jones, MITRE
  Christian Arllen, MITRE
  Fred Baker, Cisco
  Barbara Frasier, Cisco
  Merike Kaeo


  - Consensus was that the draft should move forward.

  - Need at least one other vendor involved

  - Need at least one other large network operator involved

  - Current "Implemenation" sections will be renamed "Examples".

  - Scope/Goals will be further generalized

Open Issues/Disussion:

  - How to edit/submit changes

    Current plan is to have people edit the xml and submit
    updated XML.

  - Individual submission vs. Working Group

    There was some discssion of whether it made sense
    for this to be an individual submission or a working group
    document....and how to get people to know about it/pay
    attention if it is an indiviual submission.

  - BCP vs. new requirements

    Most of the document is a BCP.   Some are things that
    could not be classed as "current practice"...some are
    security features that operators (UUNET in this case)
    would like to see.  The question is, do these belong
    in the same document ?

  - Relationship to RFC 1812, other IETF efforts.

    The question came up as to wheter this should be
    be some sort of update to RFC 1812

    There is also a large ammount of current work
    in IETF related to the subject of this draft.
    Some examples include Network Configuration (netconf),
    Routing Protocol Security Requirements (rpsec),
    Security Issues in Syslog (syslog), etc.
    What is the appropriate relationship (if any)
    of this document to those efforts ?

Next Steps:

  Line up a small group of reviewers.

    - George insure involvment from UUNET and MITRE
    - Barbara and Barry Greene will represent Cisco
    - Fred and Barbara will solicit Juniper, network
      operator involvment
    - George will meet wtih potential reviewers identified
      by Fred and Barbara this week @ IETF.

  Split up work, make passes on:
    - Simplifying compound requirements
    - revisit/simplify justifcations
    - revisit/expand implementation->examples section





George M. Jones    |  Qualis artifex pero ("What an artist dies with me!")
Network Security   |
Architect          |
CISSP,CCNA,JAPH    |      Nero (Suetonius, Life of Nero, x
gmj@pobox.com, PGP Finger=CB97 C772 7685 0E15 E27E  C78D A50F 3AAD C1D6 D49E