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Splitting into several docs; more extensive use/emphasis of profiles

[Someone not on the list] wrote:

At 10:43 PM 6/11/2003, you wrote:

[Someone not on the list] wrote:

Your document has some significant flaws. Example: You appear to require the presence of MPLS (2.13.1). This may not have been your intent, but it's what's there. I really don't want MPLS running on my laptop. Your document says elsewhere these are requirements for hosts, routers, and other devices.

This could be remedied by saying "For devices implementing MPLS, ..." or some such.

Please reread your document thinking about what types of devices REALLY need to meet each of the items you suggest.

Your document is really more oriented toward routers, and at that CORE routers.

It admitedly has baggage that shows its heratage (UUNET's requirements for core and egdge devices); you've hit on one of them.
The profiles mechanism is is intended to be a vehicle for grouping things appropriatly.

I think it'd be a good idea to do a fair bit of rework to make clearer what's really important, and why, rather than trying to dictate the feature set of all devices on the Internet.

Keep in mind a host, or a $60 NAT box running at someone's house or small office is just not going to be an appropriate target of your document.

I think a pass needs to be made aimed at making each of the requirements more standalone and then emphasizing the use of profiles
to determine different sets of needs (core, edge, toaster...)

That'd work.

Might also make sense to split this into a family of documents, which likely would improve readability.

I've considered that. It might also solve the BCP vs. Non-BCP problem. Also, might help with editing. Size and information density
are starting to make it hard to edit/modify already. I'll put it on the list of possible changes for -01.
