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More Comments/suggestions on draft

George and everybody,

Here are some more comments on the current

George - for comments on the logging section, 2.11,
should I just make the changes and check them in to

In general, I think the document is coming along
nicely.  We ought to be able to have good
substantiative discussions about it next month
at the IETF meeting.

Also in general, I'm a little worried about the
statements of several performance requirements
in the current draft.  They are not quantified
at all.   I'm not sure this is a big deal, but
I would like to understand other peoples' positions
on this issue.

[In response to the on-going discussions about
the scope of this document, I have a slightly
different way of looking at it than George.
Basically, this document describes security features
that network infrastructure devices should provide
in order to protect themselves and the networks they
support.  I don't think it matters whether the
device is a Cisco 7200 running IOS or a PC running
Linux, if it is being employed in an infrastructure
role then it should meet these requirements.
By defining the scope in terms of role, we can
avoid getting vendor-specific and also avoid
getting readers confused about whether this stuff
applies to their desktop workstation.]

Anyway, specific comments below.  Please excuse
my wordiness.



Section      Comment
--------  ----------------------------------------
2.1.4	  Shouldn't this restriction be bi-directional?
	  If the device has a separate control plane,
	  forwarding control->data and data->control
	  should both be prohibited by the separation.
	  The "Justification" section only mentions
	  one direction.

2.1.5	  This requirement could be split; I think the
	  requirement for the data plane should be a
	  little different than for the mgmt plane.
	  (in particular, if the data plane is totally
	   flooded, remote management over the mgmt
	   plane should still work.  If the mgmt ports
	   are totally flooded, I think it is quite
	   unrealistic to expect remote management to
	   still work, but local management should)

2.1.6	  This requirement should be split into two:
	  one for backup, and a separate one for

2.3.4	  Do these requirements need to be limited by
2.3.5	  layer?  For instance, should I be able to
	  turn off ARP?  How about IKE?  Or PNNI?

2.3.13	  These requirements, and some others about docs
2.3.14	  and vulnerabilities, should probably be in their
	  own section.  Maybe a "disclosure" section?
	  Anyway, I don't think they belong in 2.3 with
 	  layer 3 and 4 functional requirements.

2.6.1	  I think these requirement needs to be more
	  explicit.  Does this mean IP protocol number, or
	  any kind of protocol?  I think it might be
	  better to split this requirement into two:
	  one about filtering on the protocol (IP, ATM,
	  ARP, Ethernet, etc.) and one specifically about

2.6.4	  There are really four different places at which
2.7.1	  filtering is being required by these rules: (1)
2.7.2	  into an interface, (2) out from an interface,
	  (3) forwarding, and (4) to the device itself.
	  First, I think that inbound and outbound
	  interface filtering should be two separate rules.
	  Second, 2.7.1 seems to be undecided about whether
	  the device needs true transit filtering or whether
	  in-bound filtering at the interface is sufficient.
	  Third, I think that 2.6.4 should be moved over to
	  section 2.7.

2.7.3	  This rule definitely needs to be split.  Filtering
	  traffic to SNMP or HTTP is quite different from
	  filtering routing updates based on their content.
	  One rule should be mandate per-service filtering
	  on those services that interact with the control
	  plane or device configuration; the second rule
	  should mandate route filtering for routing protocols
	  in particular.

2.8.1	  In the warning section, yes, this capability
	  violates RFC 1812, section  Tough noogies!

2.9.1	  Maybe need to use a more explicit term than "hits"?

2.9.6	  There are situations where a packet may be rejected
	  by more than one filter rule (e.g. the src address and
	  TCP port number match separate 'deny' rules).  Does
  	  this requirement need to explicitly state that the
	  packet need be counted against only one of the rules'

2.10.3	  I believe that these two requirements need to be
2.10.4	  refactored into three requirements:
		1. application of filtering does not degrade
		   data plane throughput or managability
		2. application of logging in filters does not
		   degrade throughput or managability
		3. application of filter rule counters does
		   not degrade throughput or managability

2.10.4	  Change "discard" to "forego".

2.11.3	  This is one of those disclosure/documentation kind
	  of requirements that should be in a separate section.

2.11.1	  There are a couple of things I'd like to add here,
	  particularly related to stuff in 2.12.9 and 2.1.6.

2.11.6	  I'm a little worried about the exact statement of
	  this requirements.  For example, it might be
	  difficult, with RFC3195 BEEP over SSL, to separate
	  integrity and replay protection.  I think the
	  independence of the protection mechanisms can be
	  downgraded from MUST to SHOULD.

2.11.9	  Is the notion of a "security-related" message
	  explicit enough?  Should this refer back to
	  section 2.11.1?

2.11.10	  This requirement needs to be split.

2.11.12	  Untranslated addresses are important, but not all
	  filters will capture IP addresses (c.f. 2.6.5).
	  Also, I think this section could use some examples?
	  [I think this is very tricky -- if my firewall or
	   router is performing NAT, and I filter on outbound
	   traffic at an interface, will the router be able
	   to know the pre-NAT address in order to log it?]

2.11.13	  The justification for this requirement reads very
	  oddly to me.  (Since DNS names change over time, I
	  think this is a motivation to include DNS names in
	  logs by default, because then you'd be able to see
	  what mapped to while it was attacking
	  you last week, not what it maps to today.)  To me,
	  the main reason for logging to forego DNS lookups
	  by default is that they give any old attacker the
	  ability to force your device to perform an arbitrary
	  DNS reverse lookup!  I don't want to give attackers
	  that ability!  Let them do their own lookups :-)

2.12.4	  Change "well know" to "well-known".

2.12.9	  I think the Justification section needs re-wording.

2.12.11	  Change "are authenticated the device" to
	  "have authenticated themselves to the device".

2.13.1	  This requirement should probably be split.  I think
	  the device should be able to filter on the MPLS
	  information (analogous to layer 2 filtering) and on
	  the encapsulate layer 3+4 information.
	  Still, this might be challenging.  Can current devices
	  do this?  (I don't have any MPLS set up here at the
	  moment so I cannot easily check.)

3.1.1	  The current wording seems to imply at the same secure
	  channel must be usable for all management protocols.
	  Is that the message we want to convey?

3.1.5	  This requirement should have its own subsection, it
	  does not belong with the rest of 3.1.

4.1.1	  Should the ability to ignore ARP and other layer 2
	  protocols also be listed here?

Apdx A	  I was a little surprised to see the 2.12.9 does not
	  appear in any profile.  Perhaps it should be in A.2 ?